CMS Documentation

Welcome to the CMS!

This simple Content Management System (CMS) allows you to manage products and users for Hecho Con Amor Bakery.

How to Add a Product

1. Navigate to Manage Products on the dashboard.

2. Click Add Product.

3. Fill in the product details (Name, Price, Description) and click Save.

How to Edit a Product

1. Go to the Product List section.

2. Click Edit next to the product you want to update.

3. Make changes to the product and click Save Changes.

How to Delete a Product

1. Go to the Product List section.

2. Click Delete next to the product you want to remove.

3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

How to Add a User

1. Navigate to User Management on the dashboard.

2. Click Register a new user.

3. Fill in the user's details and click Register.

How to Log In

1. Go to User Login on the dashboard.

2. Enter your credentials and click Login.

General Notes

Make sure to always save your changes after adding, editing, or deleting products!

If you need further assistance, please contact support.